It is important for your home’s safety and also your wallet that you learn a little bit about plumbing. If you do, do you wish to improve upon it? How high is your skill level? If you cannot answer these questions confidently, look at the tips below.
To deal with a frozen pipe, turn on the faucet closest to the pipe. This gives the water a place to exit as the pipe defrosts. This can relieve the pipe pressure that could cause bursting and further home damage.
Pump your septic tank every five years to keep it working well. Doing so will help to avoid septic tank problems by ensuring that the tank does not become clogged with sediment. While you may find it costly to get your septic tank cleaned out, the cost is much higher to have sewage and backups cleaned up and your septic tank repaired or replaced.
If your toilet is clogged, the water level in the toilet is low, and a plunger is not doing the trick, you may be able to resolve the problem by pouring a bucket of warm water into the toilet from waist level or higher. Once the water level is low again, you may repeated this procedure.
Clean your garbage disposal regularly to prolong the life of your disposal. By regularly using a mixture of dish soap, cherry pits and citrus rinds, you can ensure that your disposal runs smoothly and smells as fresh as one that is brand new.
Try to have all your plumbing repairs done at once. Rather than calling a plumber every time there is a minor problem, taking care of everything at once allows you to save money for additional repairs down the road. It is a lot more cost effective as you will only be paying for one call-out fee instead of multiple trips.
Keep your bathtub drain running well by pouring a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar down the drain each month. Cover with a rag or plug, as a chemical reaction will occur in the pipes. Pause a few minutes, and then follow the mixture with boiling water. This procedure will clear the hair and soap scum out of your pipes.
Ensure your overflow holes aren’t clogged up. Sinks use overflow holes if they start to overfill, and this isn’t usually a problem, but it can be. When you’re periodically checking your sink for possible problems, take the time to clean out the overflow holes.
Always use cold water when your garbage disposal is running. Blades will stay sharper with cold water, making disposal quicker. If you use hot water it will liquefy the grease, allowing it to accumulate in your drain causing your pipes to clog.
Do you have more information on plumbing? Find out more about the specific system you have. Do you have more skills? Can you now use things that work with your system? Are you skilled with all of the equipment? Hopefully, the advice from this article will help you the next time a plumbing problem arises in your home.